How to Narrow Down your Wedding Guest List

Couples nowadays are downsizing their guest list for more than a few reasons–but we think that there’s a way to do so that can allow everyone to feel included, all while having the most important people in your life present at your nuptials.

How to Narrow Down your Wedding Guest List

It’s no secret that weddings have changed over the course of this year–from smaller get-togethers, to virtual ceremonies, to “elope now, party later!” itineraries. Though the idea of having a much smaller wedding than previously planned can be a little heartbreaking (sending a big big virtual hug here!), we think that the alternatives are far from subpar. 

We love the idea of having the most intimate wedding–just your closest friends and family–where you have the time to enjoy each other’s undivided attention, with a design that’s styled to the nines, captured by a photographer (and/or videographer) who you’ve always dreamed of memorializing your special day. We love an elopement that doubles as a little getaway adventure, so that you and your partner can forget about a timeline, making your rounds to talk to every guest, and focus on the most important part of the day: each other.

Slimming down your guest list, especially after you sent invites, can be a daunting task–but if we’ve learned anything this year, it’s that we always find a way to adapt, and love especially, always finds a way.

Here are our tips to trimming your wedding guest list:

How to Narrow Down your Wedding Guest List

Consider who NEEDS to be there

Though this might be hard to think about initially, take some time for you and your partner to discuss who you cannot imagine your wedding day without. Think about who might have to go through more than a few hurdles (namely international restrictions, job restrictions, possible immunity issues) to be there, that would benefit from being able to watch the wedding from afar now, and celebrate later. Since it most likely will be a smaller amount of people, shoot your potential guests a text to see if they’d be open to attending a smaller wedding on a particular date. This will give you a better picture of your actual availability for your guest list.

Have guests join, virtually

We have to thank technology for this one. Now that there are so many ways to live stream and virtually attend events, you can easily give both your invited and uninvited guests the option to witness the ceremony from afar.

How to Narrow Down your Wedding Guest List

Hold the microwedding (or elopement!) now, and plan the big party for later!

Consider holding a smaller wedding (or elopement!) now, and let your guests know that they’ll be invited to the big hoorah in the future!

Keep your guests in the loop

When it comes to politely letting your guests know that your wedding plans have changed, just know that everyone–seriously everyone–will understand the circumstances and will be supportive of your dedication to everyone’s safety. If you can, take the time to make phone calls to let your guests know, or a personalized email that explains the situation, and the plans you’ll have thereafter. Communication is key–and letting your guests know earlier is best!