The Pre-Wedding Pampering: Your Wedding Beauty Timeline

You’ve set the date and have your wedding plans in the works, but when exactly does the pampering and prep come into play? Here’s our ultimate beauty timeline suggestions to consider if you’re looking for some glow guidance.

The Pre-Wedding Pampering: Your Wedding Beauty Timeline

Just a disclaimer, we absolutely think you are perfect, just the way you are. Our beauty timeline is just one way for some to keep track of beauty milestones that you may want to keep in mind coming up to the wedding–but we also suggest doing what you think is best for yourself and forget the rest!

The Pre-Wedding Pampering: Your Wedding Beauty Timeline

The Pre-Wedding Beauty Timeline

7-8 Months

  • Gather your wedding beauty inspo (hair, makeup, nails) on Pinterest

  • Decide on a beauty budget

  • Find some talented local hair stylists and HMU artists and see if they are able to be on-location for weddings

  • Decide whether to cut your hair or grow it out for the wedding day

  • If you want to increase your energy and/or tone up for the big day, choose and start a sensible workout plan that makes you feel good

5-6 Months

  • Inquire about HMU consultations with the artists you’ve fallen in love with

  • Schedule hair and makeup for the wedding day

  • Schedule a trial run with the HMU teams 1-2 months before the big day

3-4 Months

  • If you’re intrigued by a new body or skin treatment, try it out now to see how your skin reacts to it!

  • If you’ve never had a spray tan, test it out so you’ll know how it will look

  • Pamper yourself with a facial to start prepping your skin to look its best

The Pre-Wedding Pampering: Your Wedding Beauty Timeline

1-2 Months

  • Finalize your wedding day beauty look that makes you glow from the inside out (including hair accessories) during your trial run appointments

  • Get your teeth whitened

2 Weeks

  • Get your hair trimmed and if you color your hair, get any needed touch-ups done

  • Schedule manicures and pedicures for the day before the wedding

  • Start to moisturize your skin every day

  • Indulge in a massage

  • Finalize your wedding day beauty timeline and give a copy to your planner/coordinator, beauty team, and bridesmaids

The Pre-Wedding Pampering: Your Wedding Beauty Timeline

1 Week

  • Confirm all beauty appointments

  • Pamper yourself with one more facial so you’re glowing on the big day

  • Put together your wedding day beauty emergency kit (anything you might need for touch-ups)

  • Make sure you’re getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night

1 Day

  • Get your manicure and pedicure (tip: bring your own color so you have it on the wedding day for emergency touch-ups)

  • Wash and deep condition your hair for the last time before the wedding

  • Get in your favorite comfy pajamas, pamper yourself with a warm cuppa sleepy tea, and get at least 8 hours of beauty rest before your big day!